Abstracts & Poster

Haase, P., Buchner, D., Leese, F., Morkel, C. & Raab, T. (2023): Insektenmonitoring in Hessen. – Poster 7. Hessische Landesnaturschutztagung, 2. November 2023, Gießen.

Morkel, C. (2023): Monitoring of True Bugs (Heteroptera) reveals climate-driven change of arthropod communities in Kellerwald-Edersee National Park. P. 29. – In: Kment, P. & Malenovský, I. (eds.): 9th European Hemiptera Congress, Kurdějov, Czechia, 25.6.–1.7.2023. Book of abstracts. National Museum of the Czech Republic, Prague, 50 pp.

Stefen, C., Jentke, T., Stuckas, H., Müller, A., Jakobitz, J., Atzig, H., Morkel, C., Kaus-Thiel, A., Chmieleski, J., Birkwald, T., Goldberg, R., Schröder, R., Thielen, J., Decher, J. & Twietmeyer, S. (2022): Searching the elusive – do non-invasive methods enable large-area monitoring of Mediterranean water shrews (Neomys anomalus)? – Poster, 95. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Säugetierkunde, 19.-22. September 2022, Hamburg.

Paniccia, C., Anderle, M., Frieß, T., Hilpold, A., Ladurner, E., Meola, V., Morkel, C., Steinwandter, M., Stifter, S., Seeber, J. & Tappeiner, U. (2020): Biodiversity in the post-windthrow areas at the northern foot of Latemar massif (South Tyrol, Italy). – Poster, Tagung „Zoologische und botanische Forschung in Südtirol“, 3.-4. September 2020, Bozen, Italien.

Morkel, C. (2018): Wanzenmonitoring im Offenland des Nationalparks Kellerwald-Edersee. – Poster 3. Hessische Landesnaturschutztagung, 24. Oktober 2018, Gießen.

Morkel, C. (2016): Monitoring von Rindenwanzen (Heteroptera, Aradidae) als Indikatoren natürlicher Waldentwicklung in einem europäischen Buchenwald-Nationalpark. – Poster 23. Hessischer Faunistentag, 19. März 2016, Wetzlar.

Morkel, C. (2015): Monitoring flat bugs (Heteroptera: Aradidae) as indicators of natural forest development in a European beech forest reserve. – Poster & Abstract, 7th European Hemiptera Congress 2015, July 19-24, Graz, Austria.

Rüth, K., Krannich, A., Lang, J., Morkel, C. & Dietz, M. (2014): Establishment of translocated hazel dormice (Muscardinus avellanarius) in North Rhine-Westphalia Germany. – Abstract, 9th International Dormouse Conference 18-23 September 2014, Svendborg, Denmark.

Morkel, C. (2013): Beneficially back to beech!? High impact of natural dynamics in anthropogenic forest on flat bugs. – Posterbeitrag Natural Dynamics and Disturbance – Research and Monitoring in Kellerwald-Edersee National Park. Disturbance Conference April 29 – May 3, 2013, Bavarian Forest National Park, Neuschönau, Germany.

Morkel, C. (2010): True bug species diversity (Insecta, Heteroptera) of Kellerwald-Edersee National Park (Germany): results of a four-year initial survey. – Poster & Abstract, Proceedings of the 4th Meeting of the International Heteropterist´s Society, Nankai University, Tianjin, China, July 12-17, 2010.

Morkel, C. & Stromberg, H. (2009): Einfach dufte – Wanzen aus Altenlotheim. – Poster zum 5. Heideblüten- und Nationalparkfest in Altenlotheim am 9. August 2009.

Morkel, C., Pfaff, S. & Saucke, H. (2003): Biodiversität ausgewählter Invertebraten in Frankenhausen (Nordhessen) (Insecta: Saltatoria, Lepidoptera, Diptera: Syrphidae). – Poster zur Tagung „Naturschutz als Aufgabe des Ökologischen Landbaus“, 16.-18.10.2003.